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Friday, July 10, 2009

Allura Marie Handmade Bracelet on the Cover of July 2009 Bead Trends Magazine

The Sugar Plum handmade bracelet from Allura Marie Jewelry made the cover of the July 2009 Bead Trends magazine! I am so excited about this feature. It is my first beading magazine feature and this wonderful bracelet made the cover!! Be sure to check out the magazine with lots of other great jewelry designs and ideas on your local magazine stand.


  1. Very nice!!! I am very happy for you. How did you get this connection if u dont mind me asking

  2. Hi! Thanks! I submitted my photos of the bracelet directly to Bead Trends Magazine and they contacted me to have it published. I had no idea that my bracelet was going to be on the cover until the magazine copy arrive to my home at the end of June 2009.

  3. If you go to you will find the email address to submit your jewelry designs photos to. They will contact you if they want to publish your jewelry in their magazine.
